Be aware of unauthorized suppliers claiming to be with the show who approach exhibitors attempting to sell products or services they may not be able to deliver. Be on the lookout for the following warning signs:
We are currently aware of the following list of companies which have tried to solicit the show’s exhibitors. None of these companies are affiliated with the show and do not have authorization to represent the show:
If you receive any communications that seem suspicious or are from companies that are not listed above (or are not listed as Authorized Suppliers below), contact Show Management.
Only the following official show suppliers receive exhibitor contact information from Show Management authorizing them to contact you.
2780 Highway 7
Concord, ON L4K 3R9
Services: Commercial general liability coverage for Shows
Freeman Audio Visual Services
2025 Rue Lavoisier #100
Québec, QC G1N 4L6
Services: AV, Computers, Monitors
GES Canada
2345 rue Lapierre
Lasalle, QC H8N 1B7
Services: Furnishings, Exhibit Accessories, Labour, Plants, Transportation
MicroSpec Registraton Services
260 Edgeley Boulevard, Unit 3
Vaughan, ON L4K 3Y4
Services: Registration, Lead Retrieval
Palais des congrès de Montréal
1001 Jean Paul Riopelle Pl,
Montreal, QC H2Z 1H5
Services: Electrical, Lighting, Plumbing, Parking, Material Handling
TWI Group Inc.
7145 West Credit Avenue. Building 1
Building 1, Unit 101A
Mississauga, ON L5N 6J7
Services: Customs Clearance
If you have questions regarding a show supplier who has contacted you claiming they are with the show, please email Tori Grant, Operations Coordinator at [email protected].