TWI Group
Pat D'Alessandro
T: +1-905-812-1124
E: [email protected]
TWI Group is the Official Customs Broker for ROOFTech.
TWI Group will maintain staff on-site from move-in through move-out to assist exhibitors with their entry/import and return/export of goods.
Exhibitors shipping materials from outside of Canada, including convention materials, must use a customs broker. Advance communication will ensure the most favourable
customs status and trouble-free entry.
Exhibitors may request a comprehensive Customs Guide from TWI Group to assist in the preparation and distribution of documents.
Note: U.S.A. Exhibitors who are sending equipment to the show that is not of U.S.A. origin, must complete a special customs form for U.S. Customs to ensure easy return to the U.S.A. after the show. Contact TWI Group for more information.
Review and submit the following documents to TWI Group:
A list of the Point of Entries into Canada can be found here. Exhibitors should beprepared to answer questions from CBSA officers about why they are travelling to Canada. Exhibitors may qualify as a business visitor seeking temporary entry to Canada provided:
For more information about travelling from the United States into Canada as a temporarybusiness traveller, please visit the U.S. Embassy in Canada website.
Informa Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for any delays or seizures at the border,including exhibitors being turned away due to paperwork, criminal recordor other reasons.
Canada Border Services Agency
T.+1-800-461-9999 (within Canada)
T. +1-204-983-3500 or 506-636-5064 (outside of Canada).